Thursday, May 2, 2013

So You Think You Can Spell?

Hey all butterflies and bees!
So a few days ago, I went to the National Spelling Championship with Peach. It was held in the beautiful ballroom at Raffles City. 
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It was pretty crazy! I am now questioning myself as a 17 year old. These primary school kids can spell words I haven't even heard of. 

Let me name you a few: 

Traipse toboggan terrarium tabloid 
Skulking prophecy oratorical octopuses netiquette Malays Malaise  
Juxtapose juxtaposition exonerate hoaxes witticism loquacious ignominious sanguine deleterious commodious disingenuous 

Anyone lost yet? Cause I've got more...

assiduous penitentiary malodrous narcissistic apothecary obfuscated picaresque quiescent fatuous Restaurateur resuscitate eponymous irascible pugnacious resplendent
Camaraderie Reconciliation impropriety indiscernible dispassionate post-milllennial apprehensible trepidation conflagration inexorable disenchantment

They started with 31 really talented spellers. 
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They'd go up to the mic one by one and be given a word to spell and if it was right, they'd take a seat on stage. BUT IF IT'S WRONG, they walk off stage and back into the audience. SO DRAMATIC YES I KNOW RIGHT!!!

Seriously, I applaud these kids! They really have guts to stand up on stage and spell. I'm a horrible speller so it's like impossible for me! I don't even think I could get past round 2? 

xoxo Miranda

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