Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Trust Issues

Hello world
I realised how my blog is always quite cheery and  fun so I thought I write a post about something that I think about a lot. 


If you know me personally, you'd know that I'm not the kind to be surrounded by swarms of people and in massive cliques. In fact, I'm pretty much always alone in school. Some people view it as being a "loner" and a "loser" but I really don't mind it at all. I may even prefer it. You don't need to rely on anyone. You can just do your own things and go. Well, one downside is that there's no one to look after your stuff when you go to the washroom but THAT'S FINE. WE DON'T LIVE IN CHINA. PEOPLE ARE NICE... right? 

I digress.. distracted Miranda is always getting distracted

I know I look and seem like a girl who probably has (I quote) "tons of friends" but nah, and the reason being - I have quite severe trust issues. 

I have problems letting people in and I am always doubting everyone. I don't know who to consider friends and who are just acquaintances. Or just random people who don't really care about me and use me to pay for their lunches and buy them birthday presents. I feel like it is just human nature to want things in return for niceness (yes, it such a negative point of view but it's true). 

So I just thought I'd do a blog post that would hopefully benefit my younger readers out there and/or anyone facing a challenging friendship. I just want to let you know you aren't alone. I've been there and yes, it sucks. But we all have to be burned to learn. You're stronger than you think. 

Bottom line is: be wary. Not everyone out there wants to be your friend because they like your personality. They like other things too. Like your nice branded wallet. 

Hang in there guys. 
And if you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to e-mail me at Or tweet/dm me @mirandamikaela. I'm happy to help. 

xoxo Miranda


BRYAN said...

great post you have here. :)

amarylliscsht said...

Hi Miranda,
I missed your videos & you too!

Me too.. I'm kinda like a loner too...